Senin, 15 Juni 2015

every morning I wake up at 4.30 am, after that I clean up the room and prayers. 05:55 hours I was helping my parents clean the house and preparing breakfast. at 6:20 I showered and prepared textbooks. immediately after that I eat breakfast, then after hours of 7:10 I said goodbye to their parents to go to campus .I went to campus with my friends. 

around the clock 01:30 senoir high school 1 Liwa students had gone home. I immediately changed clothes after noon prayers. I finished praying directly to lunch. 

approximately 03:00 hours I was watching tv. then at 3:30 pm I pray Asr. after the Asr prayer I learned (sometimes). 04:50 hours and after that I bathe my evening walk with my nephew. 

approximately 6:10 pm I pray Maghrib, then read the Quran. then I went back to watching tv and call my girlfriend. 07:45 hours I immediately prayed evening prayer and see if there is homework or not. 

approximately 09:40 hours I sleep because it was getting late

Jumat, 12 Juni 2015


Nama : sri devi anjarsari
Npm : 1A214424
Kelas : 1EA41

1.       Kenapa anda memilih jurusan manajemen ?
Jawaban : mengapa saya memilih manajemen sebagai jurusan yang saya pilih yaitu karena dalam manajemen saya dapat belajar meminite waktu .
Dan dalam jurusan manajemen pun saya belajar untuk berorganisasi dan mengetahui cara menghitung pendapatan atau cara produksi suatu perusahaan

2.       Kemampuan dibidang manajemen seperti apa yang anda ingin kembangkan secara khusus untuk menunjang karier anda !
Jawaban : kemampuan dalam manajemen yang ingin sekali saya kembangankan yaitu bagaimana cara memproduksi barang hingga sampai pada konsumen dan membuat konsumen puas serta saya ingin mengembangkan bagaimana cara agar suatu produk di tempat saya berkerja nanti dapat bertahan lama , dan saya ingin mengembangkan bagaimana cara menjadi manajemen yang lebih baik kelak tekita saya berkerja

3.       Carilah contoh kasus tebaru yang terjadi kesalahan manajemen dalam penanganan kasus tersebut , kemudian buatlah analisis
Jawaban : Penurunan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) khususnya premium sebagai langkah pemerintah dalam menyikapi turunnya harga minyak dunia menjadi sekitar 44 dolar AS per barel yang ditetapkan per 1 Desember 2008 ini, banyak diprediksi kalangan masyarakat tidak akan banyak mempengaruhi harga sembilan bahan makanan pokok (sembako) di Indonesia khususnya di beberapa pasar tradisional yang berada di Kota Balikpapan

Selasa, 28 April 2015

percakapan menggukan 5W 1H

percakapan mengunakan 5W 1H

Devi : 
What will you do this weekend

Dinda : 
I went on holiday to the family villa

Devi : 
when are you going to leave? and where your family villa

Dinda : 
Our family villa in the area of ​​the summit, and I will depart this weekend. Why do not you come with us?

Devi : 
I actually wanted to go anyone ,who will join your family for the weekend?

Dinda :
Our family, how do you so come away for the weekend?

Devi : 
Okay, well the one I go with you

Senin, 30 Maret 2015

sosiologi dan politik

Sosiologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang kehidupan manusia. Salah satunya adalah mempelajari tentang sosialisasi dan pembentukan kepribadian.Adapun para tokoh tersebut menyumbangkan teori-teorinya mengenai studi sosiologi sesuai dengan peristiwa-peristiwa yang mereka alami dizamannya. 
salah satunya Auguste Comte lahir di Mountpelier Perancis, 19 Januari 1798. Ia merupakan bapak sosiologi, orang pertama yang menggunakan istilah sosiologi (socius danlogos). Pengaruhnya besar sekali terhadap para teoritis sosiologi selanjutnya (terutama Hebert Spencer dan Emile Durkheim).
Dia mempunyai anggapan bahwa sosiologi terdiri dari dua bagian pokok, yaitu social statistic(statika sosial atau struktur sosial yang ada)dan social dynamic (dinamika sosial atau perubahan sosial
Dalam teorinya tentang dunia, Comte menyatakan bahwa kekacauan intelektual menyebabkan kekacauan sosial.
Menurut Comte, masyarakat harus diteliti atas dasar fakta-fakta objektif dan dia juga menekankan pentingnya penelitian-penelitian perbandingan antara berbagai masyarakat yang berlainan. Hasil karya Comte yang terutama adalah : [6]
  1. The Scientific Labors Necerssary for Reorganization of Society (1822);
  2. The Positive Philosophy (6 jilid 1830-1840);
  3. Subjective Synthesis (1820-1903).                                                                                                             

Alesan mengapa saya memilih Agustane comte sebagai tokoh yang ikut mempengaruhi perkembangan sosiologi di dunia karena menurut saya bapak Agustane comte adalah bapak sosiologi yang pertama dan mempunyai teori tentang sosiologi yang sangat bagus . 

sumber : 
[14] Yusron Razak, Sosiologi Sebuah Pengantar, hlm 5
[15] George Ritzer dan Douglas J. Goodman, Teori Sosiologi Modern, hlm 21-22
[16] http//
[17] http//
[18] Yusron Razak, Sosiologi Sebuah Pengantar, hlm 7
[19]Yusron Razak, Sosiologi Sebuah Pengantar, hlm 7
[20] http//

Jumat, 27 Maret 2015


Article 2

Burma sanctions will be eased, says Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has declared the US is ready to relax sanctions on Burma to recognise its fledgling democratic transition. Washington would ease a bank on American companies investing in or offering financial services to the country, the secretary of state said.

Clinton stressed the Obama administration wanted to move cautiously and said Burma had a long way to go in shaking off decades of military rule. But she hailed as a "dramatic demonstration of popular will" the election of Aung San Suu Kyi to the lower house of parliament on Sunday in a by election that delivered a landslide victory to her party.

"We fully recognise and embrace the progress that has taken place and we will continue our policy of engagement," Clinton said in a brief appearance before reporters three days after Suu Kyi's party won 43 of 45 seats available in the byelection.

The package Clinton unveiled on Wednesday reflected a modest first step toward lifting the complex web of US sanctions that have contributed to the country's isolation for decades.

The US will seek to name an ambassador to Burma after an absence of two decades, to set up an office of the US Agency for International Development and to support UN development programmes.

Clinton gave no details but said the US was committed to "beginning the process of a targeted easing of our ban on the export of US financial services and investment as part of a broader effort to help accelerate economic modernisation and political reform".

US officials speaking on condition of anonymity said areas might include agriculture, tourism, telecommunications and banking but no decisions had been taken.

Clinton said the US was ready to allow private US aid groups to pursue non-profit activities on projects such as democracy building, health and education, and to give select Burmese officials and politicians permission to visit the US, relaxing longstanding visa banks.

Washington wants Burma to free all political prisoners, lift restrictions on those who have already been released, seek national reconciliation, especially with ethnic groups that say they have long been oppressed by the central government, and to end military ties to North Korea.

"This reform process has a long way to go. The future is neither clear nor certain. But we will continue to monitor developments closely and meet, as I said when I was there [in Burma], action with action, " Clinton said.

President Thein Sein, a general in the former junta, has surprised the world with the most dramatic political reforms since the military took power in a 1962 coup.

The civilian administration under Thein Sein has released more than 600 political prisoners following an amnesty in October 2011. Activists say hundreds more may still be in custody but the exact number is not clear.

Walter Lohman of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative thinktank, welcomed the cautious US approach, saying some steps should wait until after a 2015 election in which 75% of parliamentary seats in Burma will be contested.

"We need to reserve some ammunition for the real goal: the 2015 general election. Let's not give it away too quickly," he said. 

Economic analysts say it will take time for the US to unravel the full scope of its sanctions on Burma, first imposed in 1988 and subsequently expanded by five laws and four presidential directives.

US official described the sanctions as "byzantine" and said Washington would focus on easing them so as to benefit the most people while avoiding giving advantage to areas – possibly including timber and gems – dominated by "repressive" elements of the authorities.

Some sanctions can be lifted readily but others are tied to specific progress on issues ranging from drug trafficking and money laundering to preventing the use of child soldiers – making them more difficult to remove. In the first instance, Washington plans to use waivers, licences and other steps to ease rather than repeal legally binding sanctions. 

Aung Din, head of the US Campaign for Burma advocacy group that helped put in place sanctions on Burma, suggested the US may have gone too far, too fast.

"What they have achieved from the United States for giving 7% of seats in the Parliament to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is enormous," he said, saying she hoped the administration would take its time easing sanctions to ensure the political progress in Burma was "irreversible" and to consult rights groups.

sumber :